2023 AGM Minutes and Constitution


Chairman’s opening remarks - Hilary welcomed all those present.

Apologies for absence – Apologies had been received from Ray and Angela Howard, Jenny
Ingham, Cheryl Rich and Florence Cooper.

Minutes of last AGM and Matters Arising – The previous minutes were approved and

signed and there were no matters arising.

TREASURER'S REPORT for year ended 31 st March 2023

Jill reported that, in spite of a reduction in subscription income and an increase in costs, we had almost broken even, with a loss of just £22 at year-end. This had been achieved by careful monitoring of expenses, the decision to alternate between visiting speakers and social evenings, and the generosity of members and visitors at fund-raising events.

Projections for the forthcoming year were of concern with a continuing downward trend in
membership numbers likely and ever rising costs. The committee were recommending no
change in the annual subscription which would remain at £25.

However, they were proposing a change in the frequency of our meetings. In addition, we needed to do all we could to promote the Circle and attract new members.

Another recommendation was that we should close the Business Account, as it no longer
served any useful purpose. The funds would be transferred to our Current Account. This
was agreed.

In her report, Hilary focused on the need to obtain members’ views on our programme going forward.

Points to consider were:

  • changing from fortnightly to monthly meetings
  • the days of the week preferred and times of our meetings
  • possible use of the church’s cheaper Headgate Room instead of the balcony
  • refreshments at end of meetings rather than the beginning
  • the balance between French and English talks
  • a social session once a year at a different venue
  • charging visitors more when Gwendal Moële entertains
  • other activities, such as French dance classes, reading and discussing French books, and French themed visits
  • changing the name of the Circle

Election of officers and committee

Hilary and Sally were retiring from the committee and presentations were made to them in recognition of their contribution over so many years.

In addition, Hilary was thanked for the expert way in which, as Chairman, she had led the
Circle during the last five challenging years.

Jane Davidson was thanked for her ongoing support with the Circle’s publicity, and David Branson for examining the annual accounts and being willing to do so again in a year’s time.

John, Peter and Jill were willing to serve on the committee for one more year and their
election was proposed by Stella and seconded by Sally.

Jim proposed that Ray Howard should be appointed to the committee, and this was seconded by Jill.

Jim’s appointment to the committee was proposed by Jane and seconded by Pauline Bonser and he was willing to take over as Chairman.

Updated Constitution

The Constitution had been revised and was agreed, subject to amendments to items 4, 8 and 10. The updated version is attached to the Minutes and a printed version will be available at our next meeting on the 17 th May. (Final copy shown below)

Future programme

General discussion – Jim explained that many organisations were experiencing the same problems as us, but he was very committed to the Circle. He wanted to build on Hilary and Sally’s contributions and was very positive about the future. Doing all we could to publicise our programme, establish links with other organisations and recruit new members would be vital, going forward.

Points agreed were:

  1. Meetings would be held once a month and would continue to be on Wednesday
    evenings. They would normally be on the second Wednesday of the month, though
    care would be taken to avoid dates when the Twinning Society were holding their
  2. Meetings would start promptly at 7.30 pm to allow for a full 30 minutes for
    socialising and refreshments before the talk
  3. Other than when large numbers were expected, meetings to be held in our usual
    venue, i.e. the Balcony, at a cost of £50 per evening, rather than the Headgate
    Room, which would cost £36 per evening
  4. Include in our programme occasional French-themed visits
  5. Talks in English to have a French element
  6. Talks in French to include a summary in English
  7. No change of name needed, and we would continue to be called the Anglo-French

Any other business and membership renewal

There was no other business and members were invited to renew their subscriptions following the meeting.



1. The name of the organisation is the Colchester Anglo-French Circle.

2. The object of the Circle is to promote and enjoy all things French.

3. Membership is open to all who are interested in France and the French way of life.

4. The Circle is managed by a committee of members consisting of the following officers:
chairman and treasurer, as well as elected members of the Circle. Committee members will
be elected, or for those already on the committee re-elected, at the AGM, and will normally
serve for three years.

5. An annual subscription is charged, as agreed by the full committee, and endorsed at the
AGM. The subscription shall be paid for one year and payment is due at the AGM.

6. Visitors are charged a nominal fee, as agreed by the committee.

7. A General Meeting of the Circle is held every year not later than eight weeks after the end of
the financial year on 31 st March, to transact the following business:

    a) Receive and, if approved, adopt the Circle’s chairman’s report.

    b) Receive and, if approved, adopt the Circle’s accounts for the year ending 31 st

    c) Appoint someone to examine the accounts.

    d) Appoint officers and other members of the committee.

    e) Deal with any special matters the committee wishes to discuss with members.

    f) Amend the Constitution if necessary.

8. The chairman will preside at the AGM and will have a casting vote in the event of votes
being equal.

9. At committee meetings the chairman will preside and will have a casting or additional vote
in the event of votes being equal. In the absence of the chairman, a committee member
will be chosen from those present to act on the chairman’s behalf.

10. Three members will form a quorum at committee meetings and ten at general meetings.

11. A majority of two thirds of those present at general meetings is needed to agree an
amendment to the constitution.

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